Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The naked and the dead--voters

Well, actually, I don't know how many of them are naked, but a recent Pew Poll has shown that more than 1.8 million registered voters in America are actually dead--as opposed to figuratively, of course. (Plenty of those, too.) This brings to mind the grand old days of American presidential electioneering when the dead walked the land on election night. In Illinois back in 1960, political boss Mayor Richard Daley helped get JFK elected by dint of using dead voters (as well as the dead drunk) and back during the Gilded Age--one of the most corrupt in the history of American presidential elections--it was considered de rigeur to trot out corpses to vote. Mitt Romney, surveying his current difficulties, must be thinking, if only some of these 1.8 mil are "severely conservative" Republicans! They're probably not easy to influence, given what they've been through, and not likely to turn to Rick Santorum. If Mitt can get legions of the undead to vote for him, it might convince the Republican base that he's not such a stiff himself.